We were in charge of designing the Adeslas Health and Wellness application as part of the SegurCaixa Adeslas eHealth strategy.
6 months
3 sprint
We were in charge of designing the Adeslas Health and Wellness application as part of the SegurCaixa Adeslas eHealth strategy.
The challenge was to design a tool that would help promote healthy lifestyle habits endorsed by its medical service based on a hypothesis. This tool had to be simple, personal, recurrent and multifunctional.
Health and Wellness App
From the beginning we worked hand in hand with Adeslas to understand the needs and expectations of their policyholders. We conducted an expert analysis, a benchmark of similar platforms and in-depth interviews with users of the platform.
With the results of the research phase we managed to gather a series of concrete insights to guide the interface changes that materialized in a new architecture validated with users, new flows and design proposals.
We worked on the interactive improvement of the App with the design of new functionalities and health itineraries that help customers to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Test and implement
At Garaje de Ideas, we carry out around 4 test sessions throughout the whole process to validate the tool every 2 sprints, hence minimizing uncertainty.
Garaje de ideas built an App with proven success from the early stages of development. We carried out continuous validations with real users to check whether the App promoted the importance of taking care of oneself and recurrence through its design and storytelling.
"SegurCaixa Adeslas received an award for the launch of its Health and Wellness program. The program will soon be exported to companies that have contracted health insurance for their employees with Adeslas". (Press Release 20.10.2021)
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Case Studies